The City of Molina de Segura, through the councils of Policies for Training and Employment and Youth Insertion, is carrying out the Operational Program FSE 2014-2020 of the Region of Murcia, aimed at promoting and strengthening the guidance activities , information and intermediation with an individualized attention to young people, according to their profiles and training and labor mobility needs of young people between 16 and 29 years old, who are studying and / or carrying out training activities such as training courses or preparation of oppositions, among others.
According to the Councilor for Policies for Training and Labor Insertion, Concepción Orenes Hernández, those young people who are working and looking for an improvement in employment are included in this program.
"Young people have greater difficulties in joining the labor market, therefore, it is considered necessary to provide specialized services close to their reality, which facilitate access to information, personalized attention, and advice in the active search for job".
At present, a diffusion is being carried out with young people not registered in the Youth Guarantee file of the Ministry of Employment, for recruitment, information and dissemination in the different educational and training centers, in order to publicize this service.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura