The Registration Campaign promoted by the Molina de Segura Town Council has been presented at a press conference today, Friday, March 9, at the Decentralized Municipal Office of Altorreal, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Economy and Treasury, José de Haro González.
With this campaign, the City aims to reach the 75,000 inhabitants registered in the municipality, a figure that would grant the category of municipality of large population, and that would result in greater resources from other public administrations, mainly destined to Education, Health, Transport and Services Social.
The registration can be done in the city of Molina de Segura, or in any of the points of attention to citizenship, which can be found on the municipal website
Molina de Segura counts today with 74,111 inhabitants registered in the municipal register.
According to Article 110 of the Consolidated Text of the Law Regulating the Local Treasuries, MUNICIPALITIES WITH MORE THAN 75,000 INHABITANTS acquire a new financial status of automatic scope:
Requirements to enter the assignment model.
Participation of State Taxes.
Municipalities that meet any of the following characteristics:
a) That they are capitals of the province, or autonomous community, or
b) that have a population of rights equal to or greater than 75,000 inhabitants.
For these purposes, the population resulting from the updating of the Municipal Register of inhabitants in force will be considered upon the entry into force of the model regulated in this section.
Performance of the model.
Purpose of the assignment.
Each of the municipalities included in the aforementioned subjective scope will be assigned the following percentages of the yields that have not been assigned to the Autonomous Communities, obtained in the state taxes that are cited:
a) 2.1336 per 100 of the state liquid quota of the Personal Income Tax.
b) The 2.3266 per 100 of the liquid collection by the Value Added Tax imputable to each municipality.
c) The 2.9220 per 100 of the liquid collection attributable to each municipality for the Special Taxes on Beer, on Wine and Fermented Beverages, on Intermediate Products, on Alcohol and Derived Beverages, on Hydrocarbons and on Tobacco Work.
It is, therefore, a detailed and express benefit based on the tax revenue generation capacity of the municipality for the aforementioned taxes.
All this without prejudice to obtain financing by the population parameter, in the liquidation of the PIES, which de facto holds the municipality of Molina de Segura.
On the other hand, from the legal point of view, there is the possibility of promoting the recognition of a large population municipality by the Regional Assembly.
In application of the title X of the Law 7/85 of Bases of Local Regime, new competences and attributions would be incorporated:
Specific competences of the mayor.
Article 124
Specific powers of the Plenary.
Article 123
Attributions of the Local Government Board.
Possibility of incorporating not elected to the Local Government Board.
The JGL Secretariat would fall on a legally assisted councilor.
The necessary existence of districts.
Existence of superior and directive bodies.
Existence of a Social Council of the City.
Existence of a Special Suggestion Commission.
Differentiation of the accounting body, the auditor, and the treasury.
Existence of a Tax Management Body.
Body for the resolution of economic-administrative claims.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura