The Department of Mobility of the City of Molina de Segura has launched, today Monday, February 19, a new taxi stop at Avenida de Madrid, n ° 14, corner Calle Sierra Espuña.
To prepare the new stop, the establishment of 5 vehicles destined for the taxi has been signaled on the road, and the corresponding vertical signs installed, being necessary for its final establishment to reduce curbs and other works to standardize the pavement.
This action is part of the measures included in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUS) of the town, which includes in the diagnosis made the suitability of a new location of the taxi stop, this being one of the measures included in the Program of improvement of public transport.
The PMUS contributes as an improvement of the efficiency of the taxi that the change in the location of the stop will give a better service to the urban nucleus, to be located in a point more accessible to the main points of attraction.
This Plan is a set of actions that aim to implement more sustainable ways of traveling (walking, cycling and public transport) within the city.
Since 2012, the Association of Taxicabs of Molina de Segura demanded this measure from the City Council, arguing that in this new area there is a greater number of pedestrians, due to the public buildings that are around, the weekly market, banks, etc. .
The Councilman of Mobility, Antonio López Vidal, in his visit to the new stop, stressed that "this decision has been taken in agreement with the industry associations, which have agreed to the new location, which will be provisional, for to be able to make an assessment of the suitability of its establishment, before starting the works of its definitive establishment, in addition, it puts in value what the editors of the SUMP advise, as well as what contributed by the neighbors of the Barrio Centro, where in the currently the entire taxi stand is established, leaving both in operation ".
The Association of Taxicabs, meanwhile, has indicated that "the taxi guild is very happy and that this is good news, both for taxi drivers and for customers, making the taxi service more agile and efficient, even decreasing in this way the cost of the service for the users of this public transport ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura