The Department of Mobility of the City of Molina de Segura began last week to the implementation of an initiative of interest for people with reduced mobility, a campaign agreed with experts from the Federation of Murcia Associations of People with Physical Disability (FAMDIF) and Disabled people of the municipality, who have contributed their concerns in order to take advantage of a game of 26,495.00 euros, aimed at specific improvements that can improve accessibility in different points of Molina de Segura.
The purpose of this action is to carry out small actions to adapt the conditions of accessibility in public spaces, from the displacement of urban furniture that obstructs the circulation to the blind to the demolition and execution of pedestrian fords that improve accessibility by adapting to the demands of Order of VIV / 561/2010, of February 1, on basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for the access and use of urbanized public spaces.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura