The First School of Parents of the Federation of Associations of Mothers and Parents of Students of Molina de Segura (FAMPA MOLINA), in collaboration with the Department of Education of the municipality of Molinense, offers five sessions, aimed at training parents and mothers of students from all schools in the municipality, using a practical methodology and close to each and every one of the attendees.
The objective is to provide them with a series of tools that will help them face the education of their children, facilitating such work as much as possible.
The first two sessions will discuss Challenges with new technologies, by Consuelo España Ribera, and will take place on Wednesday, February 21 and 28, at 7:00 p.m., with free admission, at the Infant Education School of Paseo Rosales.
With them are going to cover such important aspects today as social networks and the danger of not making proper use of them, cyberbullying, adequacy of time and content appropriate for age, etc.
The sessions have a free playroom service, which can be accessed by sending an email to
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura