Molina de Segura City Council joins the commemoration of World Wetlands Day 2018, with an OPEN DOOR DAY in the Visitors Center of the ZEPA wetland Las Lagunas de Campotéjar Salar Gordo.
This day, along with the rest of the activities programmed by the Department of the Environment to celebrate this commemoration, was presented today, Friday, February 2, at the Visitor Information and Reception Center of the wetland, by the Councilor for the Environment, Juan Alcaide Quirós.
The Lagunas de Campotéjar Salar Gordo were declared a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) in 2014 and a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar site) in 2011. Since 2004, the Environment Service of the Department of the Environment has developed a management program for the conservation of this natural space, coordinated by the municipal biologist, Carmen Mondéjar.
This wetland has an important natural heritage and ecological values ​​to highlight, such as the presence of migratory aquatic birds with regional, state and global protection, such as the white-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala), a bird in danger of extinction worldwide.
As explained by Juan Alcaide, "the objective of this day is to increase the awareness of citizens of Molina de Segura about the values ​​of wetlands and the benefits they provide, especially the wetlands of Las Lagunas de Campotéjar Salar Gordo, a protected area of the European Natural Network 2000, and involve them in the need to preserve it for the present and the future ".
On Sunday, February 4, the Information and Welcome Center for Visitors of Las Lagunas de Campotéjar, a municipal facility that houses information and interpretation services on the environmental values ​​of this wetland, will remain open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. activities coordinated by the Environmental Education Service of the Department of the Environment.
At 11.00, an interpretive itinerary will be conducted, guided by an environmental educator.
It is intended to publicize the wetland, its rich fauna and vegetation typical of this natural area associated with a salt marsh.
During the itinerary, there will be a session of scientific ringing of small birds made by professionals of the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE).
In addition, at the Information and Welcome Center for Visitors of the Lagunas de Campotéjar, information about this protected natural area can be expanded and aquatic birds can be observed with a telescope and binoculars.
It is not necessary to make prior registration to participate in this day.
Also during the month of February, activities will be carried out in this natural space, with the Environmental Education Program for Molina educational centers, discover your surroundings 2017/18.
34 students will visit the lagoons of 10 schools in the municipality, with an estimated participation of 850 students of Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate, who will perform the activity The adventure of birds, for the knowledge of environmental values of this wetland.
Finally, the Councilor for the Environment highlighted the "importance that, from our municipality, we join this commemoration as an opportunity to raise awareness and promote the sustainable use of our wetlands and to make the population aware of our heritage natural, and, in particular, the importance of Las Lagunas de Campotéjar Salar Gordo as a wetland of international importance and protected area ".
He also thanked "the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast for their collaboration and work in the conservation of birds and the entire Educational Community of our municipality, especially teachers, who have requested their participation in these activities, and their involvement in the education of citizens responsible and committed to their environment ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura