Teatro Los Claveles (Murcia) presents the puppet play LOS 7 CATRITILLOS, directed by Aniceto Roca, and performed by him and Paca García, on Sunday, February 4, at 6:00 pm, at the Villa de Molina Theater (on Avenida del Chorrico , n ° 10).
The price of the ticket is 5 euros.
Mother goat has to go to the market and the seven little kids will be left alone at home, but with the warning that they should not open the door to anyone.
However, the Big Bad Wolf will soon knock on the door.
Through tricks will get into the house and eat them all, but the youngest will escape and together with the mother goat will rescue their brothers from the wolf's belly and of course get rid of him forever, because, crammed with stones, will fall to the river and never again scare anyone.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura