This week have begun the conservation and improvement of the species in the Municipal Catalog of Trees of Local Interest, Singular and Monumental of Molina de Segura, given the importance they have for the municipality as a natural heritage to conserve, as reported by the Councilor of Environment of the Molinense City Council, Juan Alcaide Quirós.
"The Natural Environment Service of the Department of the Environment guarantees real and permanent support of a scientific, economic and legal nature to this sensitive, delicate and irreplaceable natural heritage, so it is essential to know how they are, what they need, and what can we do to preserve them, "says Alcaide.
Throughout three weeks and under the direction and inspection of the municipal biologist, a professional of the arboriculture, Jesús Puerta, with Certificate of the EAC (European Council of Arboriculture) as an arborist climber, with a minimum of five years of experience in this type of work with monumental and unique trees, will carry out studies of the defense system of trees against wounds and fungi that break down wood, its biomechanics, the aging and senescence processes, the conditions that favor and harm the root development or the interrelation with fungi and soil microorganisms to establish the necessary actions for their conservation, as well as restoration pruning to compensate the weight of the crown.
According to the Councilor for the Environment, "with this service it is proposed to establish the priority tasks to be carried out in 12 copies of the Municipal Catalog of Trees of Local Interest, which coordinates and manages the Natural Environment Service of the Department of the Environment, both pruning of restoration and of dead branches, as of decompaction of land and assessment of the state of conservation ".
The great majority of the municipalities of the Region of Murcia, due to their environmental and historical characteristics, have favored the existence of a great diversity of woody, native and non-native plant species, which are part of our forests, of the agricultural crop fields , and the ornamental vegetation of our towns and cities.
This set of facts has facilitated that in the natural, agricultural and urban environment there are groups and botanical specimens that, due to their exceptional scientific, historical, cultural and social characteristics, present a great value and monumental interest.
These plant groups constitute an irreplaceable arboreal heritage, which is part of the environmental and cultural heritage of our peoples, which implies that its protection and conservation are of public interest.
To reduce the cost of these works, the operator of conservation of the natural spaces of Sercomosa and the Forest Brigade of the Department of the Environment, contracted through the Local Public Employment Program with a grant from the General Directorate of Employment and Training, will collaborate. beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System.
The Service of the Natural Environment will watch and control at all times that the form of provision of the Service awarded conforms to the specifications of the contract.
The cost of the works is 5,483.72 euros.
The term of execution of this service will be of 5 months, from the signing of the contract, and it will be executed mainly in time of rest of the sap of the trees.
The actions that are going to be carried out in each protected tree in the municipality are the following:
GARROFERO de Torre Montijo: Assessment of the state of its trunk with a large hollow, pruning of restoration and removal of pavement from the sidewalk around the trunk.
CASUARINA of the Park of the Company: Pruning of restoration and renaturation of the cup.
The main branch, southeast direction, has a fissure on its west face from which its origin and treatment should be studied.
Check the effect of a 1 cm thick nail on the northwest side of the trunk and the nail embedded in the roots on the east face, which serves as anchor to a tension cable for the post.
A delimitation of its protection area will be established, according to the projection of the crown, for the elimination of grass and the contribution of mulch, or organic matter, for the improvement of its vigor.
EUCALYPT of the Carlos Soriano Museum: Inspection of the state of conservation, treatment against pests (Ophelinus eucalypti and Lectocybe invasa).
Balanced pruning and dry branches.
Study the possible decompaction of soil, to avoid the anoxia of its root system.
FICUS of the Murcia Region Plaza: Inspection of the state of conservation and restoration pruning to compensate the weight of the crown.
Study of security measures against possible falls of branches.
MORERA de las Balsas: Inspection of the state of conservation, restoration pruning to compensate for the weight, artificial anchoring assembly to avoid falling branches and possible delimitation of a protection perimeter.
MORERA from the Avda. Granada garden: Inspection of the state of conservation and restoration pruning.
Remove the cable on the south arm, since it can generate strangulation problems as the arm grows thicker.
See actions to follow with nearby tree species, which can generate competition problems for mulberry.
BANANA of the Carlos Soriano Museum: Inspection of the state of conservation and assessment of the actions to be carried out, with pruning of dry branches and tree restructuring.
OLMO de la Noria: Inspection of the state of conservation and pruning of cup restructuring.
Elimination of the concreting of the sidewalk around the trunk, decompaction of land and change of substrate of the Olmo de la Noria through the Aierspade system.
Contribution of fish guano to improve its vigor.
PALMERA del Paseo Rosales: Inspection of the state of conservation and of a possible attack of red palm weevil.
Remove the current concrete parterre, leaving space between the stipe and the frame of it.
Decompaction and aeration of the land.
EUCALYPT of Plaza Mayor of La Ribera de Molina: Inspection of the state of conservation, to study the effects of the drastic pruning suffered by the tree.
Treatment against the plague Lectocybe invades and improves its condition.
Analyze the possibility of soil decompaction.
FICUS of the Plaza de Europa I: Inspection of the state of conservation and pruning of the area of ​​the road and tree restructuring.
Monitor the tearing of a secondary-order arm cut on the main branch in a southerly direction, the wound with a grazing on the main arm in the west, and the stria in the armpits of union of one of the main arms (in the west).
Application of mulch in the projection area of ​​the cup.
FICUS of the Plaza de Europa II: Inspection of the state of conservation and pruning of the area of ​​the road and tree restructuring.
Monitor the groove in the union armpits of the two lower main arms.
Control of the plague of rust and cochineal.
Application of mulch in the projection area of ​​the cup.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura