The Secretary General and Spokesman of Podemos in the Regional Assembly has affirmed, after hearing the prosecution of the former mayor of the PP of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, for the "Permute Case" is the umpteenth sample, of the patrimonial use that the PP makes public institutions, which for a long time, have used for their own benefit.
Óscar Urralburu has stated that "not a day goes by without knowing a new case of corruption or prosecution of a member of the regional PP, the names of people who held public office for decades, as is the case of the former mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras "like that" continues adding to a list of corruption that grows in geometric progression with the passage of time, and that the social majority of the Region does not deserve to have in the institutions ".
Urralburu explained that today it is clear, once again that the model that the PP had and has for the region is collapsing, leaving a trail of corruption and precariousness that have become the failure of their public policies and demonstrating that the government of the PP does not have answer for the real problems of the murcianos and the murcianos.
Finally, Urralburu has stated that "this appropriation of the public from the institutions, not only has to be resolved in the courts, but also, it is the will and the power of the sovereign citizenship to restore democratic and political dignity to this Region. , throwing to the PP of the different governments ".
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia