Current perspectives in the prevention and intervention of gender violence in Molina de Segura on Friday, November 24] | The activity takes place from 09.30 to 13.30 hours, at the Virginia Martínez Fernández Auditorium (MUDEM), within the Campaign for the Prevention of Violence of Gender 2017 |
The XIV Campaign for the Prevention of Gender Violence of Molina de Segura 2017, promoted by the Department of Social Welfare of the Molinense City Council and the Network of Specialized Care Centers for Women Victims of Gender Violence (CAVI), has a new appointment with the Journey of BELIEVING IN ROMANTIC LOVE TO CREATE EQUALITARIAN RELATIONSHIPS.
Current perspectives in the prevention and intervention in gender violence in Molina de Segura, on Friday, November 24, from 09.30 to 13.30, at the Virginia Martínez Fernández Auditorium (MUDEM).
Gender violence has been and continues to be a social reality that many women can suffer, and suffer regardless of their culture, their race, their social class, their religion, etc.
It is present throughout its life cycle.
In this Conference, this reality is taken into account and it will analyze the perspectives in Molina de Segura, where 36,421 women live (28,191 over 18 years old).
In this day will intervene Lola Lopez Mondéjar, psychoanalyst and writer, with his paper I do not want blue that I want lilac;
María Peñaranda Ortega, professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the UMU, psychologist and sexologist, with the intervention entitled Working a healthy love;
and Carmen Tárraga Palmis, psychologist of CAVI de Molina de Segura, who will explain the keys to creating egalitarian relationships.
The objective of this activity is to leave in the past the ideal of nineteenth-century romantic love, mythified by songs, films, novels, etc., and work in the present, in 2017, to believe and create personal love, where each women can organize, develop their autonomy, their self-esteem, make decisions, manage their resources, control their own lives ..., and thus be able to generate a social change at the level of beliefs in daily life, at home, on education, on the health, work, sexuality, power, etc.
And to be able to create and build egalitarian affective relationships where a couple, living or not, is based on: respect, affection and trust, where couples negotiate with justice, are based on honesty and responsibility, share the economy and responsibility, each person takes responsibility and there are no threats (neither subtle nor explicit), because they believe in equality and good treatment.
The activity is aimed at professionals from the educational community, social work, psychology, social education, security forces and bodies, health personnel, youth associations, women, seniors, sports, cultural and people interested in prevention of gender violence.
The assistance is free, previous registration and limited to the capacity of the room.
Information and registration: Technical Secretary: Cedes, Congresses, Events and Tourist Services (phone 968 21 06 84, and email
The XIV Campaign is part of the commemoration of November 25, INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, and in compliance with the IV Plan of Equality of Opportunities between Women and Men, with the aim of generating a new social attitude against to gender violence that prevents and eliminates all expression of the same in the municipality, as well as sensitizing the population of Molin on this problem, to achieve a total rejection towards any type of sexist violence.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura