The 6th Open Doors Conference of the Antonio García de Molina de Segura Health Center, organized by the center itself, in collaboration with the Molina de Segura City Council and numerous entities, groups and socio-sanitary associations of the municipality, is celebrated on November 24, with numerous activities of health promotion and citizen participation that will be developed throughout the day, this year with the fight against the consumption of alcohol and drugs as a protagonist.
The initiative was presented at a press conference on Monday, November 20, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Public Health, Esther Sánchez Rodríguez, and the Coordinator of the Antonio García Health Center, Dr. Emilio Macanás Pérez, who pointed out that with this day we want to send a message of fraternity, ALL UNITED AGAINST ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS.
The program offers the following activities:
10.00 h., In the Library, talk El Oscuro Maridaje, by José Manuel Cartagena Ros, school counselor, aimed at young people of 2nd and 3rd of ESO of the IES Francisco de Goya.
10.00 h., In the Room of Extractions, talk Soft Drugs, a danger of public health, in charge of Antonio Salcedo Carranza, Sub-inspector of the National Police, directed to young people of 2 ° and 3 ° of the ESO of the IES Eduardo Lumeras.
10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the outdoor area, SOCIAL HEALTH FORUM.
Participants: AFESMO, Red Cross Molina-Vega Media Regional Assembly, Cáritas, Molina Hospital, AECC, FADE, FEDER, DISMO, AMER, RETIMUR, Asociación Murciana de Lupus and Other Related Diseases (AMLEA), ANSEDH, ASFADE, ASTRADE, APAMOL and AFAD.
10.30 h., In the outdoor area, session of combi-rhythm, directed by Yolanda López Alacid, sports technician of the Department of Sports and Health.
11.00 h., In the Extractions Room, talk Psychological Aspects in Addictions, by Gabriel Hernández García, clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst of the Regional Association of Murcia for the Prevention of Drug Addiction (AREMUPD), aimed at students of the School Workshop.
11.00 h., In the Library, talk Adolescents in the XXI Century, ¿Disorders of behaviors or behaviors that upset?, By Fuensanta Robles Sánchez, child psychiatrist Vicente Campillo Mental Health Center, aimed at students of 1 and 2 Of the ESO of the IES Vega del Táder.
11.00 h., In the multipurpose room, presentation of the book Contes d'aujourdui, by María Jesús Martínez Mondéjar, graduated in French Philology and lecturer at the IES Infante Juan Manuel, aimed at students of 2nd ESO of the IES Vega of the Táder.
12.00 h., In the Extraction Room, talk on Cardiovascular Health Promotion.
A task that begins from childhood and adolescence, by Ángel López Cuenca, cardiologist at the Morales Meseguer University Hospital, aimed at students of 4th of ESO at the IES Francisco de Goya.
12.00 h., In the multipurpose room, cardiopulmonary resuscitation workshop, by Concepción Navarro Hernández, family doctor of the Juan Antonio Serrano Municipal Health Office, in La Alcayna, aimed at 6th grade Primary Education students CEIP El Romeral.
12.00 h., In the Library, talk Alcohol and drugs.
How they affect your body, under the responsibility of Dr. Antonio García García, Professor of Pharmacology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, aimed at young people from the 4th year of secondary school at the IES Cañada de las Eras.
1:00 pm, visit of authorities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura