Cal y Canto Teatro (Castilla y León) presents the play LOST DOG (PERRO PERDIDO), directed by Ana Ortega, and performed by Ana Ortega and Marcos Castro, on Saturday, November 18, at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Room 2 of the Villa de Molina Theater (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The ticket price is 8 euros.
Capacity limited to 55 people per representation approximately.
This show has the collaboration of TítereMurcia, International Festival of Puppet Theater of the Region of Murcia.
Lost Dog has no owner.
It is a dog that wanders among the remains of a thirsty world.
For a plate of food, for a roof in the rain, for a hot place.
He came to the metropolis from the outskirts when he was just a puppy.
Since they left him he has not barked again.
It is a shadow in the night that moves away from the lights of cars.
A show of puppets and objects where the curtain only rises the essential, because the viewer's gaze merges with that of the dog.
A story without text, where the feet and legs of the actors are the suggestive conductors of the staging.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura