The two ordinances regulating economic aid, one dealing with situations of social need and the other supporting children, promoted by the Department of Social Welfare of the Molina de Segura Town Council, were presented at a press conference on Friday, November 3 , by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García.
In both cases, an orderly procedure is established, in order to guarantee legal security in the granting of aid to address situations of social need and support for children, which avoids arbitrariness when there are objective criteria.
The regulatory ordinance of municipal economic aid to address situations of social need was born with the aim of regulating municipal aid for the attention of social needs of an essential nature and of first necessity, understanding as such those economic aid with punctual character or limited periodicity, aimed at alleviating or resolving situations of social emergency, preventing situations of social exclusion and promoting the full social integration of sectors of the population lacking economic resources of their own to attend to their basic needs.
This ordinance establishes the requirements (over 18 years of age or emancipated minor, with a minimum residence of 6 months, with a maximum income, without having movable / immovable property or access to other aids, accreditation of regular school attendance and compliance with social intervention, job seeking registration, and justification in time and form of previous municipal financial aid), supporting documentation (according to the type of aid), procedure, urgency procedure, resolution, form of payment and justification of the aid and obligations of the applicants / recipients, as well as causes of denial.
For its part, the regulatory ordinance of municipal financial support for children regulates municipal aid intended to support families with children under their care in order to meet the social needs of an essential and essential for children, Understanding of these financial aids with specific or limited periodicity, designed to alleviate or resolve situations of social emergency, prevent situations of social exclusion, promote full social integration, and ensure the proper development of children in the municipality.
This second ordinance establishes maximum amounts by type, temporary computation (annual), requirements (18 years old or younger emancipated, with a minimum residence of 6 months, with maximum economic income, without having real / personal property or access to other aid, accreditation of regular school attendance and compliance with social intervention, registration applicant for employment, and justification in time and form of previous municipal financial aid), supporting documentation (according to type of aid), procedure, emergency procedure, resolution, form of payment and justification of the help and obligations of the applicants / recipients, as well as causes of refusal.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura