The Information Campaign against the Tiger Mosquito, promoted by the Council of Public Health of the City of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with SERCOMOSA and the company Belmonte Ambiental was presented Wednesday, October 25, in the Plenary Municipal Hall.
The meeting was attended by the Councilor for Public Health, Esther Sánchez Rodríguez, the President of the Medical Research Foundation of Molina (FEM), Aurelio Luna Maldonado, the Director of Operations of Sercomosa, Pedro Manuel García Martínez, and the biologist of the control company of Plagas Belmonte Ambiental, Irene Carrión Ruiz.
The municipality of Mundinense carries out disinfestation campaigns against mosquitoes continuously throughout the year.
In order to carry them out, exhaustive controls and treatments are carried out, especially in all those places that serve as breeding and shelter for these insects, as in temporary or permanent water accumulations that have been classified as mosquito breeding centers.
In order to obtain even more satisfactory results, citizen collaboration is necessary, applying the recommendations included in the guide published by the City Council, in order to avoid the proliferation of these insects inside the properties.
Mosquitoes are probably the most notorious plague among arthropods of interest in Public Health.
They produce annoying bites and are very easy to colonize any stagnant mass of water, where they reproduce in the form of larvae, before becoming the flying insect that we all know.
The females of the mosquitoes take advantage of the water staked to lay eggs.
At each set, the number of eggs oscillates around 200. From these eggs the larvae will come out, which will later be transformed into pupae, from which, in turn, the mosquitos will come out in an adult state, ready to bite us in order to obtain the necessary food to make new places.
The recommendations included in the guide are as follows:
Avoid containers that can accumulate water, such as buckets, drums, potting dishes, etc.
Eliminate water accumulated in objects or empty it weekly: vases, ashtrays, plastic pools, drinking fountains, tires, etc.
Cover hermetically, with cover or mosquito net, water tanks.
Keep chlorine levels in your pond, pool or pool.
Put in your pond or garden fountain ornamental fish, which eat the larvae.
Regularly clean roof and terrace channels.
Do not provoke flooding with your spills or irrigations.
In the same act has been presented the CLXXII conference of scientific divulgation of the Foundation of Medical Studies (FEM) of Molina de Segura, entitled Mosquitoes: a nuisance or a hazard ?, to be held on Thursday, November 9, at 7.30 hours, in the auditorium of the Infancy School of Paseo Rosales, with free entrance, by Manuel Segovia Hernández, Professor of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology of the University of Murcia and Head of Microbiology Service and Director of the Regional Unit of Tropical Medicine of the University Clinic Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca.
The conference is organized by the FEM, the City of Molina de Segura, the Hospital de Molina, with the sponsorship of la Caixa.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura