The Campotéjar Visitor Information and Reception Center in Molina de Segura organizes two new environmental activities on Sunday, October 15th.
The center opens its doors on the first and third Sunday of each month from 10.00 to 14.00 hours.
At 10.30 hours an ecological route will be conducted guided by Las Lagunas de Campotéjar.
Through a guided tour, participants will discover the origin of Las Lagunas and its importance as a place of rest and nesting of different species of birds.
After the route, at 12.15 pm will be developed the planting workshop Seeds and cuttings in pots.
People interested in doing this workshop will learn how to plant potted seeds and cuttings of native plants.
These activities are aimed at all audiences.
Participation is free and prior registration is not necessary.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura