The Department of Equality of the City of Molina de Segura has designed the program of Equality Education BETWEEN PINK AND BLUE, intended for students of 6th grade Primary Education.
In its preparation, qualified personnel have participated in the area of ​​Equality, in compliance with the IV Plan for Equal Opportunities (extended to this date) which includes, in Area 5, Educate for the elimination of sexist beliefs, attitudes and behaviors .
It was presented in the Municipal School Council, in its meeting of May of 2017, thanks to the collaboration of the Department of Education.
"It is not a specific action but a micro project that we want to continue in time, and can be consolidated in successive courses," explains Councilor for Equality, Rocío Balsalobre Sánchez.
It consists of 2 sessions given by an equal technician:
- The first session is made through an audiovisual presentation with the following contents:
Sexist models of femininity and masculinity.
Questioning stereotypes and gender roles in the domestic sphere, in children's toys and games, in sports and in advertising.
Housekeeping is not just about women.
Other ways of being women and men: promoting cooperative and egalitarian relations.
- The second session aims to create a Thematic Area based on values ​​of equality between women and men, respect for difference, cooperation and tolerance.
The program will be held from October to December in the academic year 2017-2018, in the following centers: Ntra. Sra. De los Remedios, Tierno Galván, Campo de Molina, Cervantes, San Miguel, Vega del Segura, El Romeral, Sagrada Familia , Consolación, La Purísima, Our Lady of Fátima, Gregorio Miñano, Maestro Francisco Martínez Bernal, Sacred Heart, San Antonio, El Sifón, El Taller, Vicente Medina, Vistarreal, Salzillo and Los Olivos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura