In its commitment to its Stakeholders, the Hospital de Molina has presented its 3rd Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR), corresponding to 2016, which has been prepared following the guidelines of Version 4 of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) .
Approaching the four strategic areas of the organization Good Governance, Economic, Environmental and Social -, Hospital de Molina reports information on the integral management of the organization, determined by its own SMEX Management System (Sistema Molina de Excelencia) and its Mission-Vision-Values, which highlight the pursuit of excellence;
promotion and dissemination of health;
effective equality, labor integration and care for people with disabilities;
and respect for the environment.
The Director-Manager of the Hospital Center, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, stressed that "thanks to the great involvement of our human team, during the year 2016 we have increased the private and concerted care activity with insurance companies, we have expanded our medical services and also our a university teaching and research line, with the Molina Hospital Research Chair of the UCAM. In addition, as contributors to the Murciano Health Service, we contributed to reduce waiting lists in the Region of Murcia, and, therefore, patient assuming the SMS itself, estimated at approximately 15% less per activity. "
The CSR Report of Hospital de Molina reflects the materiality of the organization corresponding to the year 2016, as well as the measurement through the GRI indicators of the different material matters, the main ones being the health and safety of the patients, the labeling of the products and services as well as their regulatory compliance, and the mechanisms of complaint about labor practices.
And focused to its Stakeholders, the Hospital Center also to its stakeholders, including the needs and expectations of each one of them.
In the environmental field, the Report includes, among other actions:
The signing of the Collaboration Agreement with Trappers of Emmaus for the provision of the collection service and the correct management of certain waste discarded by the Hospital.
Continuous updating of waste management procedures within the organization.
The gradual replacement of LED luminaires in the Hospital facilities.
Maintaining preventative control of legionella by reducing the opening of hot water faucets from 5 minutes to 1 minute.
In the social sphere, the Hospital de Molina:
actively promotes the labor integration of the disability, through the incorporation in staff and the hiring of companies integrated by people with disabilities.
promotes health through informative talks to social groups, activities and courses of the Medical Studies Foundation (FEM) and the International University of the Sea, Molina de Segura Health Week, Hospital Week, Health Program 5-10 , etc.
is part of the Network of Tobacco Free Hospitals of the Region of Murcia, integrated in the European Network of Smoke-free Hospitals
promotes sports practice as a healthy habit, collaborating with Federations and Sports Clubs: Cycling Federation of the Region of Murcia, Federation of Athletics of the Region of Murcia, Association of Sportsmen of Molina de Segura, golf tournaments, etc.
collaborates with the FADE Foundation, Caritas, Red Cross, Solidarity Surgery, Childhood Solidarity, MSF, UNHCR, etc.
encourages reading among his patients.
He develops research and teaching through his Chair of Research Hospital de Molina de UCAM.
The III RSC Report of the Molina Hospital is available for consultation on the website of the hospital:
Source: Hospital de Molina