The Second Lieutenant of Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, held on Tuesday, October 3.
Of note was the approval of the start of the contract for the renovation and improvement of the water supply infrastructure in the southern area of ​​Molina de Segura, as well as the approval of the call and bases for the selection of 6 unemployed persons under the Local Public Employment Program.
The granting of 5 major works licenses, 2 restoration of urban planning laws, 4 subsidiary files and an initial approval file of the urbanization project promoted by the ZRE-M6 Sector Compensation Board have been approved.
Approval of relation of invoices, for an amount of 218.373,27 euros.
Approval of the file of low ATRM and City council of Molina de Segura from March to July of 2017.
Approval of the beginning of the contracting file for the reinforcement works on Cementerio Road, section between Pablo VI Street and Calvario Street, Zone 4 (Subzona Huerta), from the municipal area of ​​Molina de Segura, incorporating special social execution conditions , concerning the social and labor insertion of people in situations of long-term unemployment, charged to the Participatory Budgets 2016, with an expenditure of 97,833.19 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the contracting file for works to renovate and improve water supply infrastructures in the southern area of ​​Molina de Segura, incorporating special social execution conditions, related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed persons of long duration, with an expense of 164,333.06 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the procedure of subsidiary execution to carry out the works of cleaning of solar located in Avenue of the Golf, n ° 2, of Altorreal.
Approval of expenditure of 20,000 euros and agreement between the City of Molina de Segura and the Autonomous Pía Carlos Soriano Foundation for residential emergency social spaces for the year 2017.
Approval of the rejection of three files of claim of responsibility of patrimonial.
Approval of expenditure of 3,300 euros for the VI Regional Music Band Contest City of Molina de Segura.
Approval of the file of resolution of settlement of subsidy and obligation of reimbursement course AC2012-1366 Tractorista / 9020/9018, for amount of 3,618.41 euros.
Approval of the call and bases for the selection of 6 unemployed under the Local Public Employment Program Youth Guarantee, in the Municipal Brigade project.
Approval of the constitution file, by means of open competition, of a labor exchange of a technician of youth labor insertion, in order to be hired under a temporary labor regime.
And dismissal of appeal for reposition filed by an individual.
Approval of the convocation file and bases for the selection, by free opposition, of a professor of piano of the municipal Conservatory, in order to be appointed like temporary official.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura