The Hospital de Molina de Murcia has received this Friday the Seal of Responsible Communication awarded by the Association of Journalists of the Region of Murcia given that it complies with the ethical principles of the Code of Professional Journalism and in its direction of communication with a professional collegiate .
The Seal is an initiative of the Association of Journalists of Murcia and aims to facilitate the raising of any claim to the Arbitration, Complaints and Deontology, a national body, independent, charged with assessing whether or not ethical standards have been violated of journalism.
The managing director of the Molina Hospital, Pedro Hernández Jiménez, stated that "taking into account that all the information we communicate in the Hospital de Molina both internally and externally has a marked sensitivity, since we speak of health and living habits healthy solutions from which citizens make decisions, we understand that exercising responsible communication developed by a qualified professional under the criteria of rigor, ethics, professionalism and, of course, accessibility is part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility ".
For his part, the Dean of the Journalists' Association, Juan Antonio de Heras, argues that "it is especially significant that a hospital such as Molina, which disseminates information related to health, is sensitive in matters of responsible communication."
The Molina hospital is already part of a bulky list of companies and institutions that have such a badge and have declared to commit to society by issuing responsible communication.
About the Hospital de Molina
The Hospital de Molina was born in 2000 with a vocation of service to the citizens of Molina de Segura, the Region of Vega Media and the Region of Murcia, with a marked innovative spirit.
Through a public-private partnership, it contributes to making public health in its area of ​​influence more accessible, coordinating services with the Murcian Health Service (SMS) based on the principles of universality and equity, innovating, and with health and of traffic, mutual labor, etc., always attending to the needs and expectations of their interest groups.
In this commitment to its stakeholders, the Hospital de Molina develops a Corporate Social Responsibility policy, focused on the four strategic areas of the Good Government, Economic, Environmental and Social organization, and reports through its Annual CSR Report the integral management of the organization, determined by its own SMEX Management System (Sistema Molina de Excelencia) and its Mission-Vision-Values, which highlight the pursuit of excellence;
promotion and dissemination of health;
effective equality, labor integration and care for people with disabilities;
and respect for the environment.
Thus, it maintains a collaboration agreement with Traperos de Emmaus for the provision of the collection service and the correct management of certain waste discarded by the Hospital;
actively promotes the labor integration of disability, by incorporating into the workforce and the hiring of companies integrated by persons with disabilities;
promotes health through informative talks to social groups, activities and courses;
develops research and teaching through the Research Chair of Molina Hospital of UCAM;
Source: Hospital de Molina