The Department of Social Welfare of the Municipality of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with Project Abraham, has launched a Basic Skills Course, aimed at people in situations of vulnerability or social exclusion with low level of employability.
The course will be taught by Project Abraham, from October 2 to November 29, 2017, three days a week, in the Las Balsas Center.
The objectives of the course are:
Facilitate the acquisition of basic skills for employment.
To train in basic social skills to sectors with special social difficulty.
Promote digital literacy oriented towards job search tools
In the project will participate people attended from the Department of Social Welfare and selected by their reference professionals, being aspects valued by professionals:
The situation of vulnerability and social exclusion.
Difficulty for the development of training actions that require previous basic qualification.
Not being able to participate in other employment resources for vulnerable groups, such as employability plans financed by the European Social Fund or other municipal resources aimed at social integration.
Being a recipient of social protection benefits.
The course is aimed at citizens of the municipality of working age with no other age or gender bias.
In the case of immigrants, they must have a residence permit and use of Spanish.
The total number of participants is 14 people.
The basic competences included in the course are:
Basic computer science (curriculum development, online bureaucratic procedures, electronic mail).
Reading in the case of people with low educational level, basic mathematics.
Training in basic skills for everyday life such as requesting an appointment, going to an interview, making an application, etc.
Public speaking.
Self esteem.
Health, care and hygiene.
Conflict resolution.
Job interview.
Social exclusion is a multidimensional phenomenon that prevents individuals from fully participating in societies.
The accumulation of certain factors along the personal and vital trajectory (family ruptures, dependency situations, migrations ...), also marked by the current difficulties of the labor market and insufficient economic income, have been determinant for the existence of groups in situations of social exclusion or vulnerability.
From these approaches, the Municipality of Molina de Segura adds to the legislative and technical guidelines to promote actions to protect and enhance the labor insertion of these people.
This project aims to serve as an inclusive tool and as an intervention axis in a process of recovery and accompaniment towards personal autonomy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura