The act of signing an agreement between Molina de Segura City Council and the Association for an Active and Healthy Aging of Molina de Segura took place today Thursday 27 July, in the municipality of Molina.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of the Association for Active and Healthy Aging, Juan Aguilar Gil, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García, attended the ceremony.
The purpose of this agreement is to collaborate economically by granting a municipal subsidy for 22,000 euros to the Association for an Active and Healthy Aging of Molina de Segura, which develops a program of activities for the elderly group, whose objectives Are:
To promote the participation of the elderly in the community life of the municipality.
Promote and stimulate the physical maintenance of the elderly population.
Preventing cognitive and functional impairment as a consequence of the effects of the passage of time in the elderly.
Organize activities aimed at achieving greater social welfare and quality of life among the partners that form part of the entity.
The activities are addressed to the population over 60 years of age in the municipality and will take place in the centers and / or clubs of older people of Molina de Segura and districts, already constituted, and in those that are constituted later, as well as in any association Which includes among its objectives the work with older people.
Socio-cultural and recreational activities prevent situations of physical and / or cognitive deterioration, while generating spaces and new forms of free time and leisure.
Currently, the municipality has the following centers and / or clubs for the elderly:
Elderly People in San Miguel Neighborhood.
Older Persons Sacred Heart of Molina.
Older People of Lino-Santa Rita Raft.
Older Persons Sacred Heart of La Ribera de Molina.
Older Persons The Purisima of El Llano de Molina.
Elderly People in San Antonio Neighborhood.
Older people in the Barrio del Carmen.
Elderly people in the neighborhood of Fatima.
Older people of La Torrealta de Molina.
Elderly people in the San Roque de Molina neighborhood.
Senior Citizens of San Jose and Los Angeles Neighborhoods.
Elderly People of El Fenazar.
Older People of La Alcayna.
Seniors of the Rabbits-Mount Carmel.
Older Persons of The Winds.
In June 2016, the Association for an Active and Healthy Aging of Molina de Segura was set up, in order to achieve greater participation and autonomy of the elderly in community life, making longevity compatible with the development of actions that improve the Quality of life of the elderly in the municipality of Molina de Segura.
It has a population of 20,796 over 55 years, of the total municipal population, which currently stands at 72,124 people.
This means, in demographic percentage, 30% of the total population of Molina de Segura.
The actions promoted by this association are:
Gerontogymia - maintenance.
Podology Service, through a Mobile Unit.
Physiotherapy Service.
Therapeutic massage.
Socio-cultural, leisure and leisure activities and sports: guided tours;
Theater displays;
radio show;
Exhibitions and demonstrations;
Championship of domain and letters in the centers;
Cultural trip to municipalities of the Region;
Recreational games championships;
Brotherhood lunch and meal;
Superficial chiropodology;
Physiotherapy sessions;
Postural education workshop;
Workshops to improve memory;
Social resource information;
And workshops on interpersonal relationships (participation, volunteering, etc.).
There are scheduled a series of services and activities according to the needs of the age, favoring their access to information, integration and their physical maintenance.
The association has a Board of Directors formed by partners of the entity.
For the development of activities, there are professionals, such as: 3 physiotherapists, 1 gerontogimnasia monitor, 1 podiatrist and 3 guides.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura