On September 20, 21 and 22, the thirteen shows of the AD FESTIVAL
The 48th edition of the Molina de Segura International Theater Festival, organized by the Molina de Segura Town Hall, in collaboration with La Verdad, Estrella de Levante, Gastronomic Association of Molina de Segura and Music Joll Hall, will have a total of 38 shows, most of which will be performed outdoors, mainly in the Company Park, Plaza de Europa, Plaza de la Molinera, Paseo Rosales, Plaza de España, and Plaza del MUDEM.
The hall shows will be performed at the Villa de Molina Theater, the Music Joll Room and the Company Park Auditorium.
The festival was presented Friday, July 21, at Music Joll, at the Vega Plaza Shopping Center, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the Councilor for Culture, Pedro Jesús Martínez Baños, and the Festival Director, José Antonio Avilés Moreno.
The motto of this year's festival is EVERY YEAR, YOUNGER.
"With this," explains Councilor for Culture, Pedro Jesús Martínez, "we wanted to mean, on the one hand, that we feel young, and therefore strong and encouraged to continue working hard." And on the other, our desire to start incorporating Young people to the most important areas of the festival: the organizational, the artistic, through the programming of young companies, and the contemplative, favoring their capture as spectators.
"Another important aspect in the new scheme of the Theater Festival should be the diversification of programming, trying to encompass a wide range of theatrical and artistic disciplines in general, a multidisciplinary and multicultural artistic approach," added the Councilor.
A third concept is that of participation, "starting to create a large group of work that can collaborate in organizing the festival. In this sense, it is important to strengthen the theatrical fabric of the municipality, which has more than ten theatrical groups between professionals and Fans, and connect with other artistic disciplines, such as painters, musicians, sculptors, photographers ..., who can and want to participate or collaborate in the organization of the festival. Sum of many efforts. Of course, the bigger and bigger these efforts, the better the results, "says Pedro Jesús Martínez.
The fourth important word would be rooting.
According to the Councilor for Culture, "it is necessary to ensure that the people of Molina de Segura live the festival as their own and necessary, something they feel proud of and look forward to their arrival. Concerns of its audience, its stories, its idiosyncrasy, a festival of Molina for Molina. "
"In summary, the key words, the lines of work to be developed to achieve the continuous renewal of the International Theater Festival of Molina de Segura are: youth, diversification, participation and rooting," said Pedro Jesús Martínez.
The activities of the festival take place practically throughout the month of September, since they begin on the 11th and end on September 30, and can be grouped into three main sections: Official Program (September 11 to 30), V Urban Art Actions Contest AD FESTIVAL (20 to 22 September) and other activities (September 5 to October 8).
In total, 38 shows, 37 companies, 9 nationalities, 6 workshops, 3 exhibitions, as well as facilities and competitions.
In short more than fifty activities.
Within the so-called Official Program, street shows and room shows.
Concerning these last ones, this year there will be an inaugural show of the Festival, with Marabunta, a total show, with Guillem Albá & Marabunta, on Tuesday the 12th. It is a musical show, a free concert to complete capacity, with invitation to collect in The offices of the Villa de Molina Theater, in the morning, starting on September 4.
Two other high-level musical performances are: The incredible violin story, with the Lebanese Ara Malikian, on the 14th in the Auditorium of the Park of the Company, with the collaboration of the Council of Local Festivals;
And the American John Nemeth, in the room Music Joll, Friday 29.
All other room shows will be at the Villa de Molina Theater: on Wednesday the 13th, Hullu, from the French company Blick Theater;
On Saturday 23, Thirsty, with the Railway Company of Murcia;
On Thursday 28, The Legacy, of the Andalusian company Axioma;
On Friday 29, Eroski Paraíso, with the Galician company Chévere, National Award of Theater 2014;
And closes with the sermon of the buffoon, Albert Boadella.
At the price of the tickets you can apply the 20% discount (only sale at the Villa de Molina Theater, face-to-face or telephone) for groups of 12 or more people, over 65, unemployed, large family and young people.
The Festival subscription includes five functions (Hullu, Thirsty, The Legacy, Eroski Paradise and The Sermon of the Jester) and is priced at 33 euros.
The advance sale of room shows and the payment will be made: at the Theater's offices, from 09.00 to 14.00 hours, from Monday to Friday, starting on September 1st;
At the Theater box office, from Tuesday to Thursday, from 5 pm to 8 pm, starting on September 1st, and from two hours before each performance;
On the Internet, at www.bacantix.com/?id=molina;
And in FNAC and Halcón Viajes stores.
Tickets for the Ara Malikian show will be sold exclusively through the online channel www.aramalikian.com.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura