The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, visited, on Friday July 7, the works carried out by the Municipality of Molina in various parts of the municipality, accompanied by the Councilor for Policies for Labor Integration, Andrés Martínez Cervantes, As well as by municipal technicians.
First, they have visited the works that are being carried out in the facilities of the Sánchez Cánovas Municipal Football Field, through the Project of Artificial Turf Endowments in the Football Field 11, which incorporates special social execution conditions Relating to the social and labor insertion of long-term unemployed persons, with an award of € 334,900.00.
There is being converted the existing football field, natural grass, by one of artificial grass.
Subsequently, they have moved to the Huerta de Abajo Trail, to see the works of the General Sanitation Collector, which are carried out on the aforementioned road, included in the Sewerage Service Project in various areas of the term Municipal of Molina de Segura.
This project also incorporates special social execution conditions related to the social and labor insertion of long-term unemployed people, and its award amount amounts to 467,690 euros.
Finally, they have visited the works that are being carried out on Calle La Cruz, in the hamlet of El Llano de Molina, included in the Project for Financially Sustainable Actions in Zone 2 and Zone 5 of Molina de Segura, which incorporates special conditions of execution Of a social nature relating to the social and labor insertion of persons in situations of long-term unemployment, with an award amount of 102,000 euros.
There are renovating the urban services of potable water and sewerage, and the reconstruction of the existing walls in the aforementioned street is carried out, which presented problems of stability.
This public road will also be provided with a new pavement made of paving stones.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura