The Mayor and Councilor for Social Welfare have visited the dining room located at the CEIP El Romeral today Tuesday, July 4
The City Council of Molina de Segura launches, for second year, the free summer school lunch service for children of families in situation of need or risk of social exclusion, which is provided from July 3 to August 31, 2017, In the facilities of CEIP El Romeral and CEIP Cervantes.
The Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, and Councilor for Social Welfare, Ángel Navarro García, visited the dining room of CEIP El Romeral on Tuesday, July 4.
The dual objective of this initiative is: to provide children from 3 to 16 years of age, during the vacation period, a diet adequate to their needs, respecting cultural and religious differences as well as intolerances and food allergies;
And to facilitate a space where minors can reinforce suitable food, hygiene, relational, educational and social integration habits.
They can access minors whose profile is the following:
Minors who receive lunch scholarships during the school year.
Families with lack of economic resources.
Family units with lack of personal and social support.
Families in intervention in social services.
The service has been extended this year to 80 seats (in 2016 were 60), spread evenly between the two educational centers.
The minors are incorporated into the service through the proposal of the professionals, after assessing the situation of need of the same.
Most of the minors participate in social programs of the council, or other social entities that work in the area (Family, UTS, Integra ... CEPAIM, Red Cross).
The technical proposal for the participation of minors is determined by several criteria:
Be included in social service programs.
Present a situation of risk and social vulnerability.
According to the Councilor for Social Welfare, "the difficulties encountered by some families in the municipality due to the scarcity of resources to provide minors with adequate food for their needs during the summer period (since during the months of July and August There is dining room by the end of the school year), is derived fundamentally from the lack of economic, personal and social resources that leads to a situation of need and social integration.According to the growing demand, the City has launched this school dining service In July and August in two schools, with two shifts in each center from 13.30 to 14.30 and from 2.30 to 3.30 pm, thus being a way to bring families closer to the resource and avoid distant displacements under extreme temperatures. Important to highlight that this way facilitates the provision of the service ".
During the month of August and as a result of the completion of summer resources aimed at children, the dining room will be complemented by educational and social integration activities.
In an entertaining way, actions will be developed on coeducation, equality, harassment, etc.
The provision of the service has a cost of 16,044.16 euros, charged to the municipal budget, and has four monitors of the company Diloa, attached to each dining room and a coordinator, as well as technicians / educators of the Department of Social Welfare for control and follow up.
With respect to 2016, the first year of this service, several improvements have been incorporated in it:
Increase in the number of dining places to be able to cover the needs of families with minors in the municipality.
They have gone from 60 to 80 places.
The location of the dining service has diversified to facilitate access to the beneficiaries, bringing the resource to two distinct points of the municipality: CEIP El Romeral and CEIP Cervantes.
The menus prepared for the dining room respect cultural diversity.
Minors with intolerances and special needs will be treated according to such situations.
The contract includes ethical and environmental criteria that include ecological food aimed at the best nutrition of minors.
During the month of August the two points where the dining room is located will have complementary activities (since there are scarce resources during that month in the municipality) aimed at providing children with an educational and social integration space.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura