The group Coros y Danzas de Molina, Regional Association Francisco Salzillo, will represent the Region of Murcia at the 34th International Festival of Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona) on 7, 8 and 9 July.
The festival is organized by the local group Esbart Dansaire Sant Marcal and will have the participation of the same, besides the Molinean group and other two groups of Togo and Indonesia.
The group Coros y Danzas de Molina, Regional Association Francisco Salzillo, is composed of about forty people, who will take to Cerdanyola del Vallés the dances of the Region of Murcia and the municipality of Molina de Segura, such as: Carracachá, malagueñas de La Ribera Of Molina, Parrandas of La Albarda, Jota of the Field of Molina, Jota of Molina, etc.
The two national groups belong to the Federation of Associations of Choirs and Dances of Spain (FACYDE).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura