The Councilor for Education of the City of Molina de Segura, Fuensanta Martinez Jimenez, held a meeting, Wednesday June 21, with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Region of Murcia, Maria Robles Mateo, and the Director General of Centers, Remedios Lajara Domínguez, to transfer the needs in terms of investment in the primary and secondary schools of the municipality.
Martínez reminded regional leaders of the pending investment issues in the Molina de Segura educational centers, which are:
- Arrangement of the cover of the Child Education pavilion of CEIP La Purisima of the hamlet of El Llano.
- Arrangement of the dressing rooms of CEIP El Romeral.
- Arrangement of the perimeter wall of IES Vega del Táder.
"We have also considered the possibility of making a collaboration agreement with the Ministry for the use of the sports courts of the HEI of the municipality by the sports clubs, with the possibility of assuming the maintenance of these tracks in the centers by Part of the City Council, "explains the Councilor.
It has also been raised the need to update the agreement that has the Ministry of Education with the City of Molina de Segura, with the EOEP zone, where the City Council collaborates with the transfer of two psychopedagogues.
"Although the meeting has remained in a tone of cordiality and willingness on both sides, from the Department of Education we feel annoyed at the unavailability for the dressing room of the El Romeral school because, as the Director General of Centers, is a building built with municipal resources and it is the City Council that has to face its repair, "says Fuensanta Martinez.
"This argument has no place, after more than a year presenting the previous Director General this project.It is true that the building was built with municipal resources, but, although the maintenance is municipal, investments in infrastructure correspond to the counseling, Regardless of who made the investment, since its use is exclusive to the school. "
The councilor announced that "the Department of Education of the City of Molina de Segura will undertake these works, with municipal resources, so as not to harm the students of the school, and thus fulfill a commitment acquired with families and the center ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura