The Youth Council of the Municipality of Molina de Segura has published the list of winners of the XXVI Literary Contest of Secondary Education 2017, in which students have participated in secondary education (ESO), Bachillerato, Ciclos Formativos, or Professional Initiation in the different centers of the municipality.
In the two modalities, Micropoesía and Microrrelato, the winners have been the following:
First Level (1st / 2nd ESO students)
1st Prize: Secret Addictions, by Sofía Abellán Bañón, from IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: Racism, by Hind Goulami, IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: Dear creativity, Carolina Carrillo Contreras, IES Vega del Táder
Second Level (Students of 3rd and 4th ESO and Professional Qualification)
1st Prize: Correr, by Adrián Castellón García, from IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: Wrapped in papier maché, by Ayla Seval Redhzep, from IES Vega del Táder
3rd Prize: Justice, by Elena Caballero Martínez, of the San Jorge School
Third Level (High School Students and Formative Cycles)
1st Prize: Caperucita in front of the wolf, by Javier Pomares Cumbreño, from the Educational Center Los Olivos
2nd Prize: Morphology, from Fuensanta Escolar Almaida, from IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: A final sigh, by María Gómez López, from the Colegio San Jorge
First Level (1st / 2nd ESO students)
1st Prize: Fairy dust, by Eva María Semitiel Gomariz, from IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: With your presence, by Elena Mondéjar Pérez, from IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: The bridge, by Jorge Calvo Ferrer, of the French Lycée
Second Level (Students of 3rd and 4th ESO and Professional Qualification)
1st Prize: Parabola, by María Abad Ramón, CEU San Pablo School
2nd Prize: Escudos, by Pedro Andrés Cortés Marín, from IES Vega del Táder
3rd Prize: Soy, by Inés Vega Luengo, from IES Cañada de las Eras
Third Level (High School Students and Formative Cycles)
1st Prize: Des-tell me a story, by Pablo Martínez Jiménez, from IES Cañada de las Eras
2nd Prize: subjective antithesis, Irene Murcia González, IES Eduardo Linares Lumeras
3rd Prize: Expired flower, by Loubna Moussa Miri, IES Francisco de Goya
Special mention for its literary quality in Micropoetry: Javier Pomares Cumbreño, of the Educational Center Los Olivos
The XXVI Literary Contest contemplates the following awards for each of the two categories of Micropoesía and Microrrelato, and for each level:
1st prize: a batch of books worth 150 euros and diploma.
2nd prize: a batch of books worth 100 euros and diploma.
3rd prize: a batch of books worth 80 euros and diploma.
The awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 17, at 7:00 pm, in the auditorium of the Salvador García Aguilar Library.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura