The act of tribute to the figure of Alfonso X El Sabio, organized by the Literary Association of Women of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Department of Equality of the municipality of Mollina, will take place on Friday, April 28 at 6.30 pm in The Municipal Exhibition Hall La Cárcel (in Calle Cervantes, n ° 5).
Attending the Councilor for Equality, Rocío Balsalobre Sánchez.
This initiative is part of the program of activities organized by the municipality of Minsk on the occasion of the commemoration of March 8.
According to Rocío Balsalobre, "this type of collaboration with women's associations is of great importance, since culture is a bridge to equal opportunities." The invisibility of women's art is a further discrimination against the history of humanity. Manifest and publish the culture created by women is an obligation of public administrations. "
Sala La Cárcel welcomes these days the exhibition of the 18th Painting Competition, also promoted by the Department of Equality.
An ideal context in which women will recite their literary creations around the figure of Alfonso X El Sabio.
An audiovisual assembly will accompany this afternoon of painting, letters and images.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura