The talk-debate on The future of public education, law or business ?, organized by Ateneo Villa de Molina, is held on Thursday, April 27, at 8 pm at the Las Balsas Center (Calle Cartagena, To Grifos Square) of Molina de Segura.
The representatives of the union STERM, Ana María Valencia Herrera, the Vice President of UCOERM, Raúl Blaya Cayuela, and the representative of the Teaching Federation of CCOO, Diego Fernández Pascual, intervene.
The Villa de Molina de Segura Ateneo began its journey in November 2014 with the express intention of being a place where all the ideas and vital concepts that assume the principles and objectives of the association could be manifested and defended.
Among them are the promotion of legal channels for citizen participation in public affairs of general interest, the promotion of debate and the search for alternatives for the development of critical thinking, and the promotion of popular culture that lacks expression.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura