The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura City Council, Angel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, held on Tuesday 25 April.
The approval of the project of works of the general sanitary sewer in Avenue of the Industry, in the section between the Avenue of Valencia and Avenue of Madrid stands out.
An urban sanction has been approved.
Approval of relation of invoices, for an amount of 411.321,50 euros.
Approval of the bimonthly tax rate for the provision of the urban solid waste collection service (tax period 2 bimestre 2017), for an amount of 866.203,15 euros.
Approval of the return of the guarantee of the service of sports activities period 2008 and 2009 in the Polideportivo de Molina de Segura, to the company Ferrovial Servicios, SA, for an amount of 15,695.48 euros.
Approval of the tacit renewal of the lease of housing for the Casa de Acogida within the urban area of ​​Molina de Segura (approval of expenditure of 5,053.20 euros for the year 2017, and commitment to allocate in the 2018 budget the amount Of € 1,010.64).
Approval of the tacit renewal of the local lease file for the location of the Santa Bárbara Neighborhood Association (approval of expenditure of 6,050 euros for 2017, and commitment to allocate in the budget of 2018 the amount of 1,210 euros) .
Approval of the tacit renewal of the local lease file for the location of the Neighborhood Association of Barrio Punta de Lugar (approval of expenditure of 9,861.50 euros for 2017, and commitment to allocate in the budget of 2018 the amount of 1,972 , 30 euros).
Approval of the Safety and Health Plan for the repair works of D. Carlos Soriano's wheel, in the hamlet of El Llano de Molina, within the Participatory Budgets 2016, incorporating special social execution conditions related to socio-labor insertion of Long-term unemployed.
Approval of the works project of the general sanitary sewer in Avenida de la Industria, in the section between Avenida de Valencia and Avenida de Madrid, in the urban area of ​​Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura