Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in the population and its care and treatment is critical to prevent the appearance of scars.
"Almost 100% of the population has suffered from acne," says the dermatologist at the Hospital de Molina, Victor Joaquín Ammar Vicente, "although in most cases it is very mild and almost imperceptible."
Despite what is often thought, acne does not only appear in adolescents.
It can also occur in adults, sometimes caused by various hormonal changes or even by substances, such as some drugs (eg, steroids).
According to the dermatologist at the Hospital de Molina, "there are three main causes: genetics, hormonal changes and poor skin hygiene. In addition to other factors that aggravate the acne, such as stress, smoking and factors Environmental ".
As the specialist points out, there are several types of acne, depending on their degree of severity.
The most common are, in turn, the mildest: comedonic acne and papulopustuloso.
The treatment for this disease is generally based on the application of topical treatments, exfoliants, and in the most severe cases, systemic treatments, together with good skin care: "It is very important to start treatment as soon as possible Suitable for each skin, in order to avoid the dreaded acne scars.An aesthetic problem difficult to correct, "says Dr. Vicente.
The specialist recommends that those who suffer from acne keep the skin always clean and free of excesses of fatty products such as makeup or creams and perform at least two face washes a day, one in the morning and another before bed.
"Before the first symptoms of acne, it is advisable to go to the specialist, to start treatment as soon as possible and prevent the progression of the disease," recalls the dermatologist at the Hospital de Molina.
Source: Hospital de Molina