The improvement of the center will take place within eight months and entails an investment of more than 665,000 euros
The Ministry of Health will undertake in approximately two months the works of reform of the first plant of the health center 'Antonio Garcia' of Molina de Segura, with a cost of 665,593 euros, which will serve to improve the facilities and adapt the spaces .
The Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM) these works, whose deadline is eight months, and are expected to start in May.
During the construction period the center will continue to offer assistance in its usual schedule.
This center, which has as reference hospital the Morales Meseguer, offers, among others, the services of family and community medicine, pediatrics, nursing, midwife, physiotherapy and social worker.
The Murciano Health Service (SMS) has more than 300 points of assistance in Primary Care in the Region.
Of these, 85 are health centers, 178 offices, 12 points of continuous care and 27 primary health care services (SUAP).
The SMS has more than 4,000 Primary Care professionals, of which more than 1,000 are facultative, as well as more than 800 nurses, who offer care 365 days a year, 24 hours a day to the users.
During the past year, according to data from the SMS, almost 13 million attendances were registered through the different points of the network of Primary Care centers, of which nearly seven million were family and community medicine and more than three million Nursing, which is a figure higher than 50,000 daily attention.
Source: CARM