The Molina de Segura Integrated Center for Training and Experiences (CIFEA) hosts this week the II International Meeting of the Loasa project (Learning Outcomes in Accordance with the Skills Agenda), as a continuation of the activities started in Doorn (Netherlands) in November 2016.
The Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment participates in this European project together with representatives of educational institutions and companies from Holland, Finland and Denmark.
The objective is to increase the employability of the vocational training students of the agricultural and environmental sector in the primary levels of training.
The aim of the meeting is to establish the basis for the design of the learning units that will guide exchanges between countries in the framework of the Erasmus + project for vocational training.
These units will clearly and simply express the generic, professional or emotional skills that FP students, or others in the field of non-formal education, must acquire in exchanges.
They should be known not only by the training center, but by the student and especially by the employer.
It is hoped that this system will guarantee the success of the exchange in practices and increase the qualification of the student, as it will perform professional tasks in a different context than usual, which will not only enrich your training, but also form it from the partner point of view Emotional and cultural.
Another issue addressed in the CIFEA of Molina de Segura is the possibility to carry out exchanges piloted in the countries participating in the project (Holland, Finland and Denmark) in the next autumn to assess the functionality and efficiency of the system of units Learning outcome designed under the Loasa project.
The Region is highly demanded by students from these countries.
Thus, Denmark and the Netherlands want to send students to pioneering sectors of the Region, such as the production of natural juices, the use of natural resources and fruit growing.
The 'Erasmus +' project takes into account vocational training to improve career opportunities.
Seventy-five percent of CIFEA students in the Region would be willing to work outside their country of origin.
The ultimate goal of the Loasa project is to facilitate employability through qualification.
To this end, it is a question of implementing all that is designed and evaluating its functionality in real exchange situations, establishing understanding agreements between educational centers and companies, and working with national and international educational authorities to validate practices Within the different training curricula.
Source: CARM