The Municipal Theater Group (Molina de Segura) presents the social comedy monologue NOSOTRAS LO HACEMOS MEJOR ..., by Roberto Ramos Perea, performed by Carmen Santoro, on Friday, March 10 at 9 pm at the Teatro Villa de Molina ( In Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The entrance fee is 5 euros.
Monologue of a woman who tells us her life ... written by a man.
Teresa Allyson, a social psychologist, teaches a personal growth workshop in which she tries to show that women do everything better than men.
Although she laments, "If we were all women with a high esteem, with a clear conscience of our role in society, we would take the phrase as certain, but as we are not sure ..."
The play, in an ironic and acidic comedy tone, is about how women can survive in the middle of a macho environment that affects them and suffocation from birth.
The address corresponds to Beatriz López.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura