The Second Lieutenant of Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, held on Tuesday 7 March.
It emphasizes the approval of the adhesion of the City council of Molina de Segura to the Plan of Impulse of the Scenic Arts in the Region of Murcia (Plan Escena).
It has been approved the granting of 9 major works licenses, three restoration of urban legality and a segregation license.
Approval of invoices, one for an amount of 748,828.28 euros and another for an amount of 1,352,360.20 euros.
Approval of the return of bail of the works of conditioning of the public space of Mirador del Castillo and Casa de la Maita, to the UTE Ibarra Lorca, SL, and Lorquimur, SL, for an amount of 22,493.11 euros.
Approval of the return of bail of the modified public space of Mirador del Castillo and Casa de la Maita, UTE Ibarra Lorca, SL, and Lorquimur, SL, for an amount of 4,847.65 euros.
Approval of the return of bail of the service of maintenance of traffic lights in the municipality of Molina de Segura, to the company Murciana de Tráfico, SA, for an amount of 2,100 euros.
Approval of the return of security of the supply for replacement of public lighting in Parque de la Compañía, to the company Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, SA, for an amount of 2,346.92 euros.
Approval of the return of security of access control in public buildings of the City of Molina de Segura, to the company Servicios Auxiliares Viriato, SA, for an amount of 9,447.50 euros.
Approval of expenditure and liquidation of the works of specific arrangement of sidewalks in the urban area of ​​Molina de Segura, for an amount of 2,417.25 euros.
Approval of the proposal for the award of the lease for the provision of the restaurant service in Parcel CD1 of the Partial Plan of Altorreal, in front of the municipal sports facilities, for a sum of 22,554.35 euros, corresponding to two years, to the company Vitanova Restaurante Italiano, SLU.
Approval of the resolution of the subsidiary execution to carry out the works of solar cleaning in Ronda Pleyades, n ° 2, in the Urbanization La Alcayna, for an amount of 2,983.97 euros.
Approval of the beginning of the subsidiary execution to carry out the works of solar cleaning in Calle Padre Martínez García, No. 3, for an amount of 271.27 euros.
Approval of inadmissibility to proceed with two cases of claim of liability, one for the impossibility of transmission of taxi license in 2014, and the other for damages in a vehicle.
Approval of the licensing of activity of gymnasium, in Calle Manzano, n ° 5, Nave 6, in Polígono Industrial El Tapiado.
Approval of the adhesion of the City Council of Molina de Segura to the Plan of Impulse of the Scenic Arts in the Region of Murcia (Plan Escena).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura