The City of Molina de Segura, in the first year of using data verification and consultation services, available through the data intermediation platform of the Ministry of Finance, has managed to simplify and reduce administrative burdens to citizens and companies .
The consistory has made the interconnection of its computer systems with the rest of public agencies through this intermediation platform, which already exceeds the 70 services available, among which are:
Consultation of being up to date with payment to Social Security.
Consultation of being aware of tax obligations.
Consultation of Income Tax of Individuals.
Consultation of public social benefits.
Consultation of non-existence of sexual antecedents.
Consultation of cadastral data.
The First Deputy Mayor and Councilor for ICT and Electronic Administration, Fernando Miñana Hurtado, explained that "in procedures such as subsidies, licenses or contracts, interested parties, with their express consent, authorize the City Council to consult and obtain these certificates in their Name, which allows not to have to contribute personally, streamlining procedures and suppressing unnecessary roles and displacements.
Miñana stressed that, with this measure, "we have opted for a system that allows greater efficiency for public employees of the City Council, reducing the time allocated to these consultations by more than 80% compared to other existing systems."
According to European Union studies, the obtaining of one of these certificates from other administrations has a cost for citizens and companies of 30 euros.
The number of certificates obtained with this system, in its first year of use, amounts to 1,504;
This means a saving of about 45,120 euros to those who perform municipal procedures.
The City Council, with its plan for modernization and adaptation to Laws 39 and 40 of 2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure and the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations, intends to advance in one of the most important aspects of the plans of adjustment of Local Entities, The administrative simplification through the reduction of charges to citizens and companies, introducing important savings that directly affect the real economy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura