The Council of Youth of the City of Molina de Segura puts into operation again the Psychosocial Counseling, a confidential, individual and free service for young people from 13 to 30 years.
As of Tuesday, February 28, the counseling will attend in person at the El Retén Building on Tuesdays, from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm, from January to May and from September to December.
In June and July the service will be held from 10.00 to 19.30 hours, remaining closed in August.
The service is extended to July as a novelty during this year.
The Psychosocial Counseling for Young People offers a personalized psychological counseling and counseling service on topics related to self-esteem, identity, effectiveness, communication, gender identity, self-esteem, social skills, affective relationships, sexuality, love, studies, family , Etc., that tries to favor the personal, social and cultural factors of the people who ask for advice.
It will be attended by the psychologist Carmen Tárraga.
According to the First Lieutenant of Mayor and Councilor of Youth, Fernando Minaña Hurtado, "we consider this psychological counseling as it is a process of technical and professional help that the person requests to analyze a situation in the present moment of uncertainty, difficulty or crisis regarding To certain personal, family or social conditions, and that she finds it difficult to solve for herself. "
Carmen Tárraga, a psychologist, points out that "counseling facilitates personal growth and the ability to choose. It is based on the respect to make decisions from the values, personal resources and capacity of self-determination of each person, in order to achieve a Personal adjustment, improving the quality of life and emotional well-being.From counseling, the person facing a psychosocial problem can choose between different alternatives, make a decision or generate an appropriate response to solve the problem.
The attention is made by appointment by different means: in the telephone number of the Department of Youth, 968 388 801, from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 14.30 and Tuesday from 16.30 to 19.30 hours;
At the email address;
And, in person, in the dependencies of the Department of Youth, in Building El Retén.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura