The Second Deputy Mayor and Spokesman of the Local Government Board of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, held on Tuesday 21 February.
The approval of the beginning of the tender dossier of the works to implement the sanitation service in the consolidated urban land of the village of Los Valientes, as well as the awarding of Teleasistencia Domiciliaria and Social and Family Mediation services.
The granting of 5 major works licenses, two segregation licenses and two restoration of urban planning legalities have been approved.
Approval of relation of invoices, for a total amount of 881.760,52 euros.
Approval of the return of bail of the works of provision of sports facilities in the Barrio de San Miguel, to the company Tubos y Canales, SL, for an amount of 8,742.88 euros.
Approval of expenditure of 42,035.40 euros for civil liability insurance / patrimonial of the City of Molina de Segura.
Approval of expenditure of 108,943.30 euros for insurance against damage to the municipal heritage, accidents, life and vehicle fleet, of the Municipality of Molina de Segura.
Approval of the expenditure of 85,934.20 euros for the services of concierge, maintenance, access control and cleaning, to be provided in the covered sports pavilions Antonio Peñalver and IES Francisco de Goya, as well as in the football fields of Barrio San Miguel and the Hamlet of El Llano, including special social enforcement conditions related to the socio-labor insertion of young people in situations of long-term unemployment under the age of 35.
Approval of the final adjudication and expenditure of the Home Tele-Assistance Service, from January 1 to December 31, 2017, to the Spanish Red Cross Autonomous Region of Murcia, for an amount of 12,666.67 euros.
Approval of the final adjudication and expenditure of the Social and Family Mediation Service of the Social Services Center, attached to the Family Program of the City of Molinense, to the Association Mediacción, for an amount of 11,733.33 euros.
Approval of the start of the tender dossier for the works to implement the sanitation service in the consolidated urban land of the hamlet of Los Valientes, incorporating special social execution conditions related to the social and labor insertion of long-term unemployed persons.
Approval of the complaint of the lease of premises for the location of the Neighborhood Association of the Castle.
Approval of the file to cancel the extraordinary extension, as of March 31, 2017, of the Service of Socio-Labor Integration of Persons with Disabilities (from January 1 to December 31, 2016).
Approval of demanial authorization to the Association for the Care of Persons with Generalized Developmental Disorders of the Region of Murcia (ASTRADE), of use of the Old Schools of La Ribera de Arriba, Well No. 43 of the Inventory of Real Estate.
Approval of a permit issued to the Association of Disabled Persons of Molina (DISMO), from the La Molineta Day Center, located at Avenida de París, n ° 1, registered in the Municipal Inventory of Goods under No. 293-1.
Approval of the decentralization of the first level of Social Care, Social Work Program, UTS's and Service of Elderly and Dependents.
Approval of the General Protocol of Collaboration between the Area of ​​Government of Citizen Participation, Transparency and Open Government of the City of Madrid and the Municipality of Molina de Segura, for the collaboration in the development and modernization of the model of citizen participation of Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura