The Ateneo de Molina, in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the City of Molina de Segura, program the regional premiere of the documentary film In the same boat, Rudy Gnutti, on Friday 27 January, at 19.00 in the Auditorium Virginia Martínez Fernández (in the MUDEM).
This documentary, produced by Pere Portabella, sails over the semi-deserted surface of the Arctic.
To the ship we see him slowly sail the sea while we all meet him, hopefully looking at his bow.
The Ateneo de Molina has programmed its projection because it addresses a series of topics that it intends to deal with in its debates, due to its current situation.
In addition, he intends to pay a small tribute to Zigmunt Bauman, eminent sociologist, who participates in the documentary and who has recently passed away.
The film brings us to reflect on a number of socio-economic issues that are part of our present and future future: globalization, wealth distribution, divergence between productivity and employment, technological development / robotization And unemployment, basic income, the sustainability of our planet and the "theory of time" by Pepe Mújica.
Bauman and Mújica are two of the prominent participants, but there are also: Tony Atkinson, Serge Latouche, Daniel Raventós, etc., economists and scholars of our reality.
The documentary will be followed by a debate.
The entrance is free and free until the capacity of the place is completed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura