The Council of Local Festivals of the Municipality of Molina de Segura and the Parish Board of Our Lady of the Remedies, on the occasion of the festivities of San Antón and San Vicente, organize the gala Night of Humor, with Lolita Torres and their dolls and Larry, the man of the Thousand Voices, on Friday, January 20 at 8:30 p.m., at the Teatro Villa de Molina (Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The entrance fee is 2.50 euros.
The show is organized for the benefit of the reform of the Church of Our Lady of the Remedies of the Moorish hamlet of La Torrealta.
Lolita Torres is National Ventriloquia Award.
His sympathy, ingenuity and technique have consecrated him as one of the best artists of his genre.
At present, it is the only ventriloquist in Spain that works with live animals and people of the public.
The audience will be able to meet people like Currito, Picaron and Contestón, the Andalusian Bruno or Colonio the musician.
For his part, Larry stands out for his laborious and admired interpretive ease to be any character he wants to be.
From Luciano Pavarotti, Julio Iglesias, Raphael, Celia Cruz, Enrique Iglesias and a long etcetera.
His performances cause fascination and amazement, due to his undisputed style.
And also its musical interpretation is worthy of mention, all this seasoned with the exclusivity of the live voice.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura