The IDIS Foundation recognizes the effort and commitment of the Hospital de Molina with the improvement of the quality of care with the delivery of the QH Accreditation (Quality Healthcare), whose plaque was discovered today, at a ceremony attended by the General Director of Planning, Research, Pharmacy and Citizen Care of the Regional Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia, María Teresa Martínez Ros, Molina de Segura City Council Public Health Councilor, Esther Sánchez, Hospital Manager of Molina, Pedro Hernández Jiménez , And its Management Committee, and the General Director and General Secretary of the IDIS Foundation, Manuel Vilches and Luis Mayero, respectively.
Pedro Hernández Jiménez, Manager of Molina Hospital, highlighted the "strong commitment and the important commitment to quality and continuous improvement that we maintain in our daily work at the Hospital de Molina. A recognition of the implication that we have always had with this area: in our Hospital Center we work by processes, we use Lean - Six Sigma methodology, we are certified in Quality and Environment by ISO 9001 and 14001, also in Patient Safety and Prevention of Nosocomial Infections (UNE 179003 and UNE 179006), etc. ".
The director general of the IDIS Foundation, Manuel Vilches, has ensured that "quality in global terms is a complex concept at the same time as a tool that has multiple inherent properties that allow its characterization and valuation within an organization both in reference to itself As well as the others within its own field of action.There is a quality associated with processes, procedures and as a consequence results carried out by the professionals who work in the health environment and another one is the quality perceived by the citizen. Molina has obtained results worthy of the QH accreditation of the IDIS Foundation when it undertakes evident improvement policies and make a commendable effort in the path of quality. On the other hand, it is worth noting the emphasis developed in the environment of the protocolization of Different clinical pathways through which a patient comes into contact with the system and its incidence in reducing clinical variability. "
The QH accreditation has an integrative, voluntary and free character that allows to measure the effort made in the path of quality by any healthcare organization, regardless of ownership, committed to quality and its processes of constant improvement.
In order to achieve this recognition, a Quality Synthetic Indicator (ISC) has been generated with 69 attributes that include all quality certifications related to the healthcare environment and, in this case, the Molina Hospital has achieved over time, presenting its Candidature to the 2016 call and whose documentation was evaluated by the Audit Committee established for the granting of the QH accreditations in its different calls;
Audit Committee composed of Marta Villanueva, general director of the Spanish Association for Quality, Antonio Bernal, president of the General Patients Alliance, Félix Bravo, president of the Territorial Association of Madrid of SEDISA (Sociedad Española de Directivos de la Salud) And Adolfo Fernández Valmayor, president of the IDIS Foundation.
Luis Mayero, secretary general of IDIS, has emphasized "the need to bet firmly on quality in health institutions. Without doubt, having this recognition that integrates all the attributes of the main quality systems is an advantage, day by day 80 public and private organizations have already been recognized, which reflects not only the great impact that QH accreditation is having on the health sector and in our society since its launch and the good reception it is having in healthcare settings regardless of QH accreditation has recently been presented to the European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP), obtaining a frankly positive reception. "
About IDIS
The IDIS Foundation is a non-profit organization whose objective is to value the contribution of private health care to the health of our country and promote the improvement of the health of all Spaniards.
To this end, it promotes and develops all the initiatives that, from the private health sector, are aimed at achieving an optimal level of health and care for all sectors of the population.
At present its Board of Trustees is composed of 26 groups involved in the private health of our country: Catalan Association of Health Entities (ACES), Asisa, Axa, Caser, Diaverum, DKV, Eresa, Fresenius Medical Care, Ginemed HM Hospitals, Hospital Perpetuo Socorro, Hospitales Católicos de Madrid, Hospiten, IMOncology, IMQ, Innova Ocular, Instituto Hispalense de Pediatría, NISA Hospitals, MAPFRE, Quirónsalud, Recoletas, Juaneda Healthcare Network, Ribera Salud, Sanitas, SegurCaixa Adeslas and Vithas.
Source: Hospital de Molina