The Alto del Rellano Nature Information Center opens its doors on Sunday, January 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to provide information on natural, scenic and cultural values, marked environmental trails and other resources of interest to this natural environment .
The activities planned by the Department of Environment for this day are intended to make known the uniqueness of the geology of the area, the geological processes that have occurred in the place and the fossil remains present.
10.30 hours: Geological route to the place of the Poza.
An interesting walk to discover geological formations and ancient animals that populated an area of ​​Molina de Segura that was covered millions of years ago by the sea.
12.15 hours: "Make your own fossil on a magnet".
It is a practical workshop in which participants will learn to distinguish the most characteristic fossils found in the area and will be able to make their own souvenir fossil as a magnet.
Both activities are aimed at all audiences.
Participation is free and prior registration is not necessary.
At the Alto del Rellano Nature Information Center, which opens its doors on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, visitors can find information on the environmental values ​​of the Vicente Blanes Ecological Park and its natural surroundings, the landscape and cultural values ​​of The area and the Ecological Park itself, geological sites, marked natural trails and other resources for ecotourism, as well as the rural life of the hamlet where El Rellano is located.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura