The adventures of Chispa and Miky, a children's musical organized by the Molina de Segura Town Hall and the Parish Council of Our Lady of the Remedies, is celebrated on Monday, December 26, at 12:00 in the Municipal Auditorium Of the Compañía de Molina de Segura).
Entry fee: 10 euros (special price: tickets to 30 euros to large families from four members).
The show is organized for the benefit of the reform of the Church of Our Lady of the Remedies of the Moorish hamlet of La Torrealta.
In addition to the musical, the audience will enjoy the visit of 14 characters known by all the children: Mickey Mouse, Pepa Pig, Duck Lucas, Tweety, Draculaura, Lion of Madagascar, Minino, Pink Panther, Dora the Explorer, Mario Bross, Chase Dog Patrol, Marshall Dog Patrol, SpongeBob, and Olaf.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura