The company La Baldufa Teatre (Catalonia) presents PINOCCHIO, directed by Jokin Oregi and La Baldufa, on Sunday, 18 December, at 12.00 p.m., at the Teatro Villa de Molina (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The price of the ticket is 6 euros.
This work received the Prize to the Best Show in the Fair of FETEN, Gijón, in 2015.
Pinocchio is the story of a free child, without prejudice or complex, disobedient and naughty, but at the same time, naive, very naive.
Geppetto, with the protective instinct of a father, tries to watch over his education.
Instead, Pinocchio, disobedient, will be immersed in various adventures, which will make you grow and mature as a person until you end up exhausted and, practically ... with a surprising end.
This is an interpretation that La Baldufa makes of the original text of Carlo Collodi.
Paper and wood are put at the disposal of history to achieve a versatile and very organic proposal from which the public can immerse themselves in the imagery of a child-puppet.
A story that allows you to reflect on values ​​such as education, effort, responsibility and sincerity.
The performers are actors Enric Blasi, Emiliano Pardo and Carles Pijuan, and stage technician Miki Arbizu.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura