The event Tribute to Vicente Medina: 150th anniversary, organized by the Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura, will take place on Thursday, December 15, at 8 pm at the Salvador García Aguilar Library (at Avenida del Chorrico, No. 44) .
Jesús Jareño will recite poems by Vicente Medina, and will accompany him to the guitar Juan Azorín, Fernando Hurtado and Antonio Peñaranda.
The Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura pays a well-deserved tribute to the writer Vicente Medina on the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Vicente Medina (Archena, 1866 - Rosario, Argentina, 1937) was a Spanish poet and playwright and one of the symbols of Murcian regional identity.
His main work, Aires murcianos (1898), became a reference work of sentimental customs and social denunciation, praised by writers like Azorín.
Today is considered the best author in traditional language Murcia.
Juan Barceló Jiménez tells us: "Medina is, above all, a poet, inspired, simple and popular. He is the fine and delicate craftsman who has sung the orchard and Murcia, because He has felt them in his heart. "
The members of the Ateneode Molina want to remember the dialect of Murcia, which the younger ones probably do not understand.
Vicente Medina himself, speaking of Aires murcianos, wrote: "... I want in these (poems) that I now write, to collect more determinantly some typical customs and some strange and curious words, like one who slaps his forehead and remembers something forgotten" .
Ateneo Villa de Molina de Segura is an association that began its journey in November 2014 with the express intention of being a place where all the ideas and vital concepts that assume the principles and objectives of the association could be manifested and defended.
Among them are the promotion of legal channels for citizen participation in public affairs of general interest, the promotion of debate and the search for alternatives for the development of critical thinking, and the promotion of popular culture that lacks expression.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura