The report on Aid for Urgent Need (AUN) in the form of textbooks and didactic material for the 2016-2017 course, granted by the Council of Social Welfare of the City Council, was presented at a press conference today Wednesday, December 14, The mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Councilor for Social Welfare, Angel Navarro Garcia.
This report states that, during the period from 5 September to 4 November 2016, 309 applications have been received, which have been processed properly and a result of: 281 files with favorable resolution;
And 28 file with denial resolution.
The number of minor beneficiaries amounts to 513, with a total amount of 79,045.34 euros.
The application period for urgent aid for books and school supplies remains open throughout the 2016-2017 school year.
General requirements for applying for aid
To request assistance, the following requirements must be met:
Family unit will have to be registered and permanently reside in the municipality.
The student must study at a teaching center supported by public funds within the municipality of Molina de Segura, except for a sufficiently justified cause.
The levels to which the aid is directed are: second cycle of Infant Education, Primary Education and Obligatory Secondary Education (ESO).
The student who repeats the course may not be the beneficiary of the aid for the course he repeats, unless, due to exceptional circumstances, he has changed books.
The per capita income of the family unit can not exceed € 250 per month, with a housing correction factor equivalent to rent or mortgage expense with a maximum of € 300.
If the family unit has previously benefited from municipal aid in the same concept, these must be properly justified.
Amount and payment of aid
Second Cycle of Infant Education: € 100
Primary Education: € 150
Compulsory Secondary Education: € 250
The compulsory education of Basic Vocational Training may be attended by Urgent Aids Need of Exceptional Character or other concepts.
Book grants are granted to children with vulnerable families with whom, in general, they intervene both in technical support and in the application of resources that allow them to solve the personal and social problems they present.
GENERAL STATISTICAL DATA - Course 2016/2017 (as of November 4, 2016)
Total number of files / families: 309 (Granted / Denied: 281/28)
Number of children beneficiaries: 513
Child Education: 103.
Primary Education: 274.
Secondary Education: 136.
Total expenditure: € 79,045.34
Infant: € 8,569.92
Primary: € 39,241.88
Secondary: € 31,233.54
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura