Elena Aguilera is one of the first students in medical practice at the UCAM who arrive at the Hospital de Molina.
He studied 4th year of the Medical Degree and performed internships in the Neurophysiology Service of the Hospital Center.
In this service, led by Dr. Antonio Martínez Robledo, he is learning the operation of the consultation, works with patients, especially in the area of ​​electromyography and will also see some evoked potential, especially, auditory.
Martínez Robledo says he will "reinforce his knowledge of neuroanatomy and take a first contact with a specialty, which normally students do not usually access."
"I am very happy to be able to do internships at the Hospital de Molina. I hope to learn a lot, get involved and reinforce the knowledge acquired in class", says Elena, who has already done internships in different services of other Hospitals.
Elena, as well as other medical colleagues, who will gradually join the Hospital de Molina, carry out their practices in the Hospital Center under the agreement signed last February between the Hospital de Molina and UCAM, for the Which extends the collaboration that both institutions were already maintaining for the practical training of the students of the Nursing Degree, to medical students.
Source: Hospital de Molina