The Integrated Center for Training and Experiences Agrarian (CIFEA) of Molina de Segura, under the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment, today presented its management system in Madrid at a seminar on management of national reference centers in Vocational Training, Promoted by the Community of Madrid, which set out the most innovative projects for 2017 of the annual work plans of the various national reference centers.
The director of CIFEA de Molina, Pedro Angosto, presented a paper on the project on the implementation of an integrated management system in this center, declared a national reference, based on international standards ISO 9001: 2015, Quality Management, ISO 14001 : 2015: Environmental Management, EMAS Regulation: Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001: 2007 Standard.
Occupational health and safety management.
The center of Molina has more than 10 years of experience in the application of these standards, which have provided advantages such as having standardized and proceduralized training programs, improving the results in terms of number of graduates, number of students in all programs And their valuation and acceptance in the collaborating companies.
It has also favored energy efficiency in the center, achieving a reduction of consumption by more than 50 percent, with the consequent economic saving and environmental awareness of users.
Likewise, these regulations have led to an improvement in safety and health conditions, reducing the number of accidents to students and workers to zero.
Molina's CIFEA has won several awards for its innovative management, such as the Sustainable Development of the Region of Murcia (2009), the prevention of occupational risks' Antonio Ruiz Jiménez '(2012), or' Alliances to improve the Employability '(2016) granted by the Spanish Red Cross.
It is the only public educational center in Spain that has implemented the mentioned international standards of quality, reason why its experience has been highly valued by the rest of centers of national reference.
Source: CARM