The company Els Joglars (Catalonia) presents the VIP comedy, starring Ramón Fontserè, Pilar, Sáenz, Dolors Tuneu, Xavi Sais and Xevi Vilà , and directed by Ramón Fontserè, on Saturday, November 19, at 9 pm at the Teatro Villa de Molina (in Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The ticket price is 15 euros.
Life is undulating and the education and relationship of the adult world with children has been changing throughout history.
In our modern society today it seems to us that the child has reached the maximum privilege making it comparable to the treatment received by a Very Important Person (VIP).
Paradoxically, the well-intentioned attitude of the parents, either by complex or by giving comfort to their children that they lacked, dangerously close the child to an intractable being with delusions of little tyrant.
We wonder if with such pampering we will not be paying the seed of a little monster.
VIP, presented in the form of ceremonial, aims to reflect on our society that behaves in this way so condescending with their offspring.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura