The presentation of the Ordinance and the new Internet Transparency Portal of the Molina de Segura City Council took place on Wednesday, November 9, in the Consistorio Molinense, by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira, the President of Transparency Council of the Region of Murcia, José Molina Molina, and First Deputy Mayor and Councilor of Transparency, Fernando Miñana Hurtado.
The Transparency, Access to Public Information and Reuse Ordinance was elaborated with the participation of all municipal political groups, the Federation of Inter-Neighborhood Neighbors Associations and the Zone Boards, as well as municipal technicians from different disciplines, based on the model Of Ordinance type drawn up by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
The Ordinance, which came into force last October, aims to implement Law 19/2013 of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance in the action of the City of Molina de Segura, as well as the Free access to its public information and re-use of it, establishing the necessary means for this, which will be preferably electronic.
To enable the exercise of the right of people to information and facilitate access to it, the new Transparency Portal has been opened on the Internet:
This web portal allows, in a simple way, access to the public information that is distributed in 42 sections, grouped into 7 categories:
Institutional, organizational and planning information.
Information on public positions and persons who exercise the maximum responsibility of the entities.
Information of legal relevance.
Information on contracting, agreements and subsidies.
Economic, budgetary and statistical information.
Information about services and procedures.
Environmental and urban information.
Among the most recent information contents are: the list of jobs, the declarations of goods and activities of the members of the Corporation, the annual amount of travel and subsistence expenses, protocol expenses, contracts formalized, agreements Subsidies and subsidies granted, the list of invoices, the relation of real estate or the instruments of urban planning, among others.
A special section is occupied by the institutional agenda of the members of the Corporation, with precise information on the activities of each member.
Another important news is the retransmission of the Plenary sessions, which are carried out through the REPLAY project. Full retransmissions of the Town Councils by Internet, coordinated by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the Integra Foundation, which allows monitoring Of the plenary sessions live on the Internet, as well as the editing of the videos and their publication on the web.
The exercise of the right of access to public information, in order to access information that is not available in the active advertising section, may also be carried out by electronic means, through an application form of the electronic registration of the City Council.
Regarding the chapter of the Ordinance dedicated to the reuse of information, the portal of open data data, where the City Council has currently published 53 data sets, has been developed in parallel with the new portal of transparency. , Thus fulfilling the opening of data in standard open formats and the conditions of re-use of the information.
The City Council has the participation of all the neighbors and neighbors of the municipality to continue improving, with their proposals, questions, suggestions and all kinds of issues that are formulated, both through the electronic media and face-to-face.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura